Moving to a new home with a pet in tow can be a stressful experience, especially when it comes to preserving the health and safety of your furry friend. And to help guide you through the moving process, here are a few simple tips you can use to help comfort your pet and keep the transition process as smooth as possible.
Visit Your Vet
First, make sure to visit your veterinarian before the big moving day. At the appointment, ask about methods or medications that you can use to reduce the stress for your pet during the chaos of moving and ask for a copy of your pet’s health records to give to your new vet. Also, since your pet will be moving to a new area, consider getting them microchipped as well. Studies show that dogs who weren’t microchipped only reunite with their owners 21.9% of the time versus the 52.2% of the dogs that were microchipped.

Take Small Steps
Household pets usually live a simple life with even the smallest of changes affecting them. And while you might be tempted to pack and box all of your belongings up at once, it can be a major source of concern for your pet. Instead, try taking small steps over an extended period of time to make the moving process seem normal to them. This includes packing items one room at a time over several days, which can add an element of normalcy to your pet’s daily life. Taking it slow can also prevent them from worrying about where all the furniture went and why there are strangers constantly walking back and forth through the house.
Pack an Overnight Pet Kit
You never know how long it’s going to take before you get to your new home. In light of this, it’s best to be prepared for the worst. Pack a bag with basic essentials such as water and food bowls, pet bedding, treats, their favorite toy, and a leash. Don’t forget to secure the medical reports and relevant documents as well.
Don’t Open the Car Windows When Traveling
Cats can easily get agitated or surprised by their environment. Meanwhile, dogs are often too energetic and lively. To ensure your pet’s comfort and safety, make sure that the car windows are closed so it doesn’t jump out while you’re driving.

Consider a Pet Sitter
If you don’t have the time to pack over a longer period of time and need to box up all of your items immediately, consider hiring a pet sitter, having a friend take care of your pet, or checking them into a pet hotel. This can allow your pet to stay in a stress-free environment while you pack up your home and you won’t have to worry about the movers stepping on your pet’s paws either!
Skip Air Travel
If you’re relocating over a long distance, be aware of your airline’s pet safety issues. Many popular airlines like Delta, Southwest, and American are some of the highest offenders when it comes to pet deaths and has altogether reported a total number of 300 incidents since 2010. If you can afford to, try to travel by car instead of taking a plane with your pet. This way, you can closely supervise and take care of them rather than leave them in the hands of an airline’s staff.
Explore the New Home
Once you arrive at your new home, go for a short walk around the block to let your pet know that they’re now living in a different area. Make sure to take it slow and walk them around several parts of your neighborhood for a few weeks. This can give them a sense of familiarity with the area and can help them feel more at ease in their surroundings.

Relocating to a Major City Like Vegas
Moving to Las Vegas or any other prominent city is an exciting experience for many people. It never fails to amaze anyone with all the lights, food, amenities, and attractions that await. However, it’s not all fun and games when you have pets. It’s easy to lose track of them in the chaos that surrounds your relocation. On top of that, it’s also expensive to move there with animals because of some restrictions. That’s why it’s important that you find affordable yet reliable movers to facilitate the move. Thanks to the added manpower, you can focus some of your attention on your furry friends throughout the entire operation.